Adobe captivate 7 html5 ios 9.2 issue
Adobe captivate 7 html5 ios 9.2 issue

adobe captivate 7 html5 ios 9.2 issue

I did not test it in SCORM Cloud as I was convinced by the reason Suresh provided. Adobe Captivate 7 and Creative Cloud Adobe Learning Summit / DevLearn 2013 October. This site worked in Web Object Interaction and it worked here as well. When I launched this test file shared by Suresh from a webserver, the result was same. When I had inserted this site in my Web Object interaction, this site failed to show up (see my previous posts).

adobe captivate 7 html5 ios 9.2 issue


To test, first I changed the website address in the above code to that of Adobe forums. Since I cannot attach the file here, I am copy-pasting the source code: SF Symbols 3 features over 600 new symbols, enhanced color customization, a new inspector, and improved support for custom symbols. The test file he is referring to is a html file. They can be exported and edited in vector graphics editing tools to create custom symbols with shared design characteristics and accessibility features. Now enable reporting and try the same page from and It should display the page." Change the website address and launch the page from a web server and if it loads all is well, it would load in your Web Object interaction as well. "I have attached a test file which would help you to determine whether the website you are loading is Click Jacking protected or not. As Web object interaction on run time loads the website in an iFrame such protected websites when loaded doesn’t show up." They website you were trying to load in Web object was Adobe forums which has this protection and it is the case with some other websites like, as well. They achieve this by setting the X-Frame options. Probably you might have heard about Click Jacking, One of the ways web sites prevent themselves from this attack is by not displaying when loaded in a Frame or iFrame. "The issue you are facing has nothing to do with SCORM setting. Here is the reply (in bold) I got from Suresh Jayaraman from Adobe when I logged this as a bug.

Adobe captivate 7 html5 ios 9.2 issue